Arne Duncan, the United States Secretary of Education favors a longer school year too. Both Obama and Duncan argue that the US shorter school year puts our future generations "at a competitive disadvantage," because countries such as China, India, and Japan have their students in school more.
The idea for longer school days isn't new in the US, but is beginning to gain attention with Obama's focus. In 2005, The Boston Globe reported that at least 20 school districts were moving forward with plans to extend the school days. Yesterday, ABC's The View debated the idea. Proponents said that their children are "bored" when school is not in session; opponents argued "parents don't have enough time to hang with their kids now." You can watch the full 3 1/2 minute debate on The View's website:

I feel our current educational schedule of an 180-day, 6-hour school year schedule is so ingrained in our culture that it will be challenging for people to think of compromising alternatives of either extreme to de-polarize the issue. However, when our current educational schedule was formed, our technology was not.
Our class content, including educational technology and universal learning design, is challenging me to think of new ways to conceptualize an educational schedule that will allow more flexibility for teachers and families that engage our children more throughout the year. I think educational technology specialists could be utilized to develop flexible learning to happen at home or in the school, which could address concerns on both sides of the issue. Everyone has valid points, and everyone has an invested interest. At this time my thoughts aren't bounded by harsh realities we face. I'm pretend that education is a higher priority with our local and national funding; the recession isn't an issue; and we reach a consensus to engage our children in education more throughout the year. If you acknowledge that everyone has valid points, and you don't let "harsh realities" limit your thoughts - how do you imagine we could expand the school year with educational technology?