Thursday, September 30, 2010

What about those automobile DVDs?

Are they benefiting the kids or the parents? On one level it's nice to have the peace and quiet but what's happening to the kids? When I was a child and our family travelled we would play games, words from letters on the license plate, alphabet games using road signs, flash card games, who can get the most different states off of license plates, etc. Now you drive down the interstate and you see movies playing, especially at night. How is this stimulating the children? Whare are the parents doing while kids are wathing the DVD? What social and communication skills are the kids learning by watching movies.
I don't necessarily think it's a bad thing to have some entertainment in the automobile for long trips but some parents don't want to hear the kids complain when the movie is turned off so they don't turn it off! I actually knew a mother who told her young children the DVD player didn't work because she didn't want to deal with the complaining when they couldn't watch a movie. I think these devices should be used as supprts for parents, not crutches.
Clearly anything excessive has the ability to be harmful and I fear that DVD's in a vehicle could very easily move in that direction. What do you think?


  1. Diane, I agree. As a child growing up without DVD players in my automobile i turned out just fine. We entertained ourselves through conversation, sleep, and looking out the window. Now saying that, there have been many times I was so bored on a car ride that any movie would have been great. I think parents need to be careful about what age they subject their kids to entertainment. The children need to be able function and learn without the constant presence of technology. Once kids can function comfortable without technology they can better appreciate the DVDs they are watching, or the games they are playing. I believe this allows for the child to be independent of technology.

  2. I'm remembering taking a trip out west when my children were in elementary school. I worked out assignments with their teachers, so they could meet school objectives within the context of the trip. We read books about the places we traveled and the kids did projects to present to their classmates. I can't help but think of how effective a few educational DVDs could have been on that long ride.
    I actually think a DVD player in a car is a great idea for several reasons:
    It is very difficult to offer your children quality time when you are dealing with traffic or tired from driving a long time. I am more disturbed by parents, myself included, that bring home takeout food and watch movies during dinner time, rather than showing kids how to prepare a meal, converse over a nice dinner and clean up.
    Taking your mind off the road to deal with troubled or arguing children is not safe for anyone. In a perfect world we'd all be singing, playing games and riding down the road. I remember some of those as well. But the reality is the inhabitants of most cars on any given day are not connected in a meaningful interaction. So I believe coping mechanisms that increase the joy and safety of its users shouldn't necessarily be judged too harshly.
    Viewing choices are endless and the fact that parents are caving into their children for movies, rather than choosing to used the technology to educate them is a sign of poor parenting rather than bad technology in my opinion. Perhaps we could solve the movie problem by including a free parenting skills DVD with each player. I

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  4. Diane, I thought I was the only one that flipped out while driving down the road seeing kids staring at yet another TV. Don't we see enough already. You can't go into a restaurant, department store, doctor or dentist's office, car dealership (you name it) without having a TV in your face. I know that I sound like an old lady, but today's society is over stimulated with noise most of the time......TV, cell phone, computer/laptop, iPad, iPod, Playstation, X-box, Wii...etc. Even toys have sounds/noises...what happened to good, old-fashioned imagination for toy sounds and voices. Whew! You got me started now, Diane.

    Also, I don't know how safe DVDs are in vehicles either. Hopefully, parents aren't trying to load DVDs while driving down the road. Again, in the car we are overstimulated with cell phones, CD players, GPS systems, fussy kids, eating food, radios, texting, etc. (I'm not even going into behavior like drinking alcohol.) I can only speak for myself when I say that I don't need any more distractions while driving because my car is a 5-speed transmission.

    Janis, I like your parenting skills DVD suggestion! Unfortunately, parents are too busy juggling everything else.

    Well, let me wind down by saying please, please don't put your kid or anyone else's in front of another TV.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I have no problem with kids being entertained by DVDs or other forms of media on road trips. The mother mentioned above who lied to her kids about the DVD player being broken so she wouldn't have to listen to her kids complaining obviously has much deeper parenting issues going on. My family traveled a lot when I was younger. We spent hours and hours on the road in our Honda Accord, four of us crammed in tight. It was miserable. We played all the lame license plate and road sign games, had long family conversations, and listened to books on tape to pass the time. Let me tell you, DVDs would have been a godsend.

    What I have a problem with is parents who let their kids sit in front of the TV at home when playing outside is an option. But if you're stuck in a car or on a plane, whatever it takes to pass the time is wonderful. I remember international flights when I was younger that had one TV for each section of the plane. If you didn't like the movie that was playing, too bad! Nowadays, if you're flying internationally most planes have a private screen with plenty of movies, sitcoms, and games to entertain you the whole time. It's fabulous. I was on really old plane not too long ago, a real blast from the past with the one screen per section setup. I had to talk to the guy next to me and sleep to pass the time. The guy next to me was not interesting and I never sleep well on planes. It was the longest flight of my life!

  7. When I was younger, I remember 6-hour car rides to the beach each summer. My younger brother and I used to make up silly games using our imagination and it was a really fun bonding experience for us. However, during the times where we were arguing, I'm sure that was distracting for our parents who were trying to focus on driving. I think DVD's are fine for the "crazy" moments, where children are getting rowdy or fighting. Also, I think it would help solve the constant "are we there yet?"

    I agree with others in terms of the safety of DVD's in automobiles. When dealing with younger children who may not be able to reach the DVD player, make sure the movie loaded before driving. Or, I suppose the person in the passenger's sea (assuming it was an older child/adult) could help (I don't know where most DVD players are located in vehicles because I do not have one).

    I also agree that children do need to learn how to deal without technology, before having it all the time in every situation. They should see viewing a movie during a car ride as a privilege instead of thinking it is expected, or else they may become too dependent on it and may not do well in future situations where that form of technology is not available.

  8. Personally, I don’t see a problem with constantly being entertained. My mother used to fuss at my brothers, sister, and I when she felt we were watching too much television or playing video games excessively. There is constant discussion of whether TV is a positive learning tool and how much recreational television consumption is appropriate. Growing up, because my mother worked so much and wasn’t there to monitor us, we watched hours of television daily. Considering we’ve all graduated from college and have gone on to pursue master degrees, it seems as though we turned out alright. However, my personal regret in spending so much time watching TV is not being more productive. I’m an ambitious person which was contradicted by the amount of time I spent not pursuing things that are of interest to me.

    As far as DVD players in the car, I am actually inclined to suggest that this may be a better time than ever to watch TV. Since we have to travel to our destinations, why not be entertained and have the long trip go by faster, instead of counting Volkswagen Beatles and cows— then when at home, one can spend their time being more productive.

  9. I agree, it shouldn't be used as a crutch. However we have to remember to keep up with the times. People will use whatever resources are available to them. If dvd's had been in vehicles 50 years ago, there is no guarantee that they would not have been utilized. There are so many other distractions on the road, I think it's a good thing. As long as the driver is able to focus on the road, the kids quiet is one less thing to have to be concerned about. It's not just dvd's in the cars that are taking away from the family environment that once was. It has been argued for years that families don't sit down at the dinner table anymore and discuss their day. Kids are eating in their rooms in front of the TV, mom is tired after working a full day and coming home to cook so she wants some alone time as well, and the same with dad. It is just an overall change from how things once were.

    Now on the other hand, I do think they are great for trips. However, a 10 minute trip to the store doesn't require a dvd to be put in the car. You will make it to the store before the previews are even over. A parent should be able to have a conversation with their child in that setting. This is what I mean when I say it shouldn't be a crutch. There needs to be balance.

  10. DVD players in the automobile is a topic that can be taken in either direction. I see a lot of parents riding around with the DVD player strapped to the back of the drivers seat as the parents drive down the road. I do agree that utilizing such items on long road trips does help keep the children entertained and not asking "are we there yet!" But with that said, i do see how some people may think that parents are using these items as a crutch so that they wont have to listen to the nagging of their children. One question that i have is, is the use of these electronic device any different than adults watching movies on an airplane or playing with their ipad on the lobby before they board a train? Either way these items are being used to entertain and stimulate your mind.

  11. Taking long trips in the car were always so boring. I can remember taking many family trips that seem like eternity when in reality they were no longer than 3 to 4 hours. I feel that having the option to be entertained during that time is great.
    Now if the entertainment is in the form of family games or a DVD, that is up to the automobile owner. However, I do believe the use of DVD is an awesome alternative that engages the passenger for the duration of there trips. Many airlines and bus services have already implemented this type of entertainment for their travelers.
    Also, the content being played on the DVD can be very beneficial. There are many educational, spiritual, and family oriented DVD's that will not only entertain but also enrich your passengers.

  12. My friends have a two year old and are very tired of hearing him fuss and scream because he doesn't being strapped in the seat. Immediately, they turn on a movie and he zones out. This happens EVERY time they get in the car no matter how long the drive. Now - is this a good thing? Most likely not. For one so young and having a stimulant so often in the drive could nurture certain tendencies/conditions like ADD. Is it ok to have a DVD in the car for trips and such in general? I think so. I just think it needs to be in balance but that's the question isn't it? How do we measure the balance? It might be too relative a term to measure for people.

  13. This is so interesting to discuss. I personally think dvd players in vehicles are hazardous to other drivers, the ones that are nosey and are so busy looking in the car to see what's on...but besides that and back to the topic, I think having them in the car on long trips are the only times appropriate, little trips like to the grocery store or just to run an errand is excessive. I do not have children, but I just think they would become way too dependent and then that can create a problem.
