Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Welcome to Ask ET - the Educational Technology blog for James Madison University's College of Education. This blog space is shared by faculty and students enrolled in educational technology courses and programs.


  1. I am going to do something I did way back in 1992-1994, that is, own and work on a PC at home and use a Mac at school. I will be switching back and forth between the two platforms. So far, I am feeling more or less comfortable. If I can't find how to open a tab I keep searching until I find it.

  2. Hello Marianne,

    I hope that your are in my class and not a perfect stranger. In any account, since we have not met, strangers we are, and perfect I am not. This is my very first blog ever! I do not know where it goes or who will/can read it, or why they would want to. I am responding to your PC/MAC by saying that too once, three short years ago, did the same. I never got used to the PC, bought a MacBook and have never gone back. My kids use the PC and I am left rebooting it every time it freezes or goes down. Good luck.

  3. I, too, will be using a PC at home and a MAC in the classroom. I have little experience with MAC's, just a few video-editing, movie-making scenarios for a class that I took three years ago. I have never had a reason to "go MAC." I worked for Circuit City for many years and have a lot of experience with PC's. Everytime that I have bought a laptop, I have researched both PC's and MAC's and always seem to get more for my money with a PC. I currently have a HP Entertainment/Media Tablet PC laptop and I love it. I still have no reason to switch, but maybe after this class I will envy those who "went MAC and never went back." :)

  4. Hi all,

    I have been working with a MAC at my job for the past two years. So, when I go home, I use my PC. It is very hard to go back and forth at first. It does get easier after a while. Hang in there!

  5. Hello everyone!

    Like most people already, I will be using a PC/Dell laptop at home and a MAC in the classroom. Before our class, I had never used a MAC, so it's a big change for me that will definitely take some getting used to. I've never had to use a MAC. At Bridgewater College, MAC's are not used at all, and I have a PC that I use at my current job, so MAC's are definitely new to me, but I'm excited to use them in the classroom and learn about them!

  6. I will be using a Dell at work and at home, but in the lab at my office I have access to a MAC, so that will be nice to use. Of course it's not has fancy as the new ones for class, but I can still go in and play around. I really appreicate the opportunity to work with a MAC since I don't own one (yet!).
